About Conference
Virtual International Conclave 2022 Corporate Governance: Issues & Challenges
Law Colloquy is pleased to organize a conclave on “Virtual International Conclave 2022 Corporate Governance: Issues & Challenges” Corporate governance is a system of rules and practices that determine how a company operates and aligns the interest of all its stakeholders; senior management executives, customers, suppliers, financiers, the government, and the community at large. “Virtual International Conclave 2022 on Corporate Governance: Issues & Challenges” is a forum to discuss the issues & challenges of the corporate world. The aim is to provide an opportunity to understand industry dynamics and business strategy. To provide a common platform for professionals, academicians, students, researcher scholars & business people. To discuss contemporary issues & challenges of corporate Governance in various sectors. To provide knowledge of the working and management of the corporate world. In addition, to make aware participants of the various field of the corporate sector.