
Legal Blogs


Amicus Curiae: The Indian perspective

An amicus curia is a Latin word which means, ‘friend of the court. He/she is a person appointed by the court who is a specialist in any specific area along with the legal knowledge who can assist a court by offering information, expertise, or insight that has a bearing on the issues in the case in the form of a brief. He is not a party to a case and should not be appointed by a party to maintain the transparency and unbiased decision. The Court appoints him and the court itself provides his fees/consultation. The decision on whether to consider an amicus brief lies within the discretion of the court.


General Exception Under Indian Penal Code 1860

When a person proved with the commission of an offence, and ought to have been punished by law, if he is exempted from such legal punishment under special conditions stipulated in the law, it is known as General Exception. General exceptions have been explained under Sections 76 to 106 of IPC.