
Legal Blogs


Misuse of Gender Laws in India

This paper, titled ‘Misuse of Gender Laws in India’, attempts to put forth some major loopholes in our Judicial System with respect to gender-oriented laws. It tries to make a sincere effort to understand how and why these loopholes get exploited by a section of society. It aims to critically evaluate, study and examine the major difference between what was intended by some laws versus what actually became of them through their massive misuse. This is one of those areas which has just started to gain momentum among the masses, but the legal and societal recognition of which has not received enough attention. There is also a significant dearth of quality literature available in this respect.



“Information is the currency of democracy,” is very rightly said by Thomas Jefferson. Right to Information is the foundation of a democratic government. In India, democracy vests with the people of India, so we have a right to know. The Right to Information Act, 2005 was formulated which replaced the Freedom of Information Act, 2002. Privacy and RTI are related to each other. The government is accountable to the people in open governance system. In modern era, the people are more aware about their rights as well as their privacy. India’s legal system is formulating various statutes, acts and legislations to make the government accountable and transparent but the concept of privacy runs parallel to RTI. The law provides us the right to access the information held by government authorities on the other hand, the right to privacy ensures the confidentiality to access, collect and usage of personal information about them that is held by governments and private bodies. These two laws are contradictory and complicated.


E-Contracts in Contemporary India

Contracts are standard processes that we undertake in our daily lives, but we hardly realize and recognize it. Buying and selling vegetables, groceries, land, properties and any essentials all comes under the definition of Contract. According to The Indian Contract Act, 1872