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Meaning & Explanation about Law, Bill, Act and Ordinance

Meaning & Explanation about Law, Bill, Act and Ordinance


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Law is a set of rules and regulations enacted by Parliament to direct people's conduct. It is an arrangement of controls made to administer individuals and help them in their lives as indicated by the standards of the general public. Laws are made to maintain public order and to control and protect individuals. They are broader in nature and not entangled. Laws give us the opportunity to perceive what we ought to do and ought not to do specifically.

The term 'law' is a wider term that includes many things made by government bodies, such as acts, ordinances, orders, by-laws, rules, regulations, decisions of the High Courts or Supreme Court, authorized notices, etc.

Broadly, the law is oLawwo types:


Common law is a group of legitimate standards that judges use when making decisions on cases rather than guidelines and laws made by the lawmaking body or in official statutes.

Be that as it may, saying this doesn't imply that common law frameworks determine most of their laws from case law. Most democratic countries that have received the common law framework have administrative bodies at the focal point of their popular governments, and these bodies frequently pass new enactments. This enactment is then translated and connected by the legal amid preliminaries; these decisions will then be connected in future cases under the doctrine of stare decisis, another name for the legal point of reference. Extensive collections of law, such as laws identifying property, contracts, and torts, are generally part of the common law. Recent-day territories of law, such as business law, intellectual property law, and health and safety, tend to be founded on statute instead of precedent-based law.

On the other hand, the parliament passes Legislative law/statutory law. Statutory law is a formal legal system body consisting of written or codified legislation. This legislation will mainly be based on rules and regulations either mandating or prohibiting certain behaviours of the general public.

Many times, statutory law can be interpreted differently by different people. That is why making rulings based on precedent in standard law systems can be beneficial when the meaning of a law is disputed. When the facts of a case are unique, and there is no binding precedent, these are called cases of the first impression. In this case, a judge's decision will essentially form law, and subsequent cases will be ruled similarly.

The primary difference between common law and statutory law is that the laws are created. As stated above, common law comes under the Law from precedent. The Government makes statutory law. It is designed to keep citizens safe and ensure they can function daily. If an issue before the court cannot be decided by precedent or a judge's decision, the court may turn to statutory law to draw the case. When a citizen breaks a statutory law, the Government will have a predetermined punishment that is in proportion to the nature of the crime.

Many different types of Government agencies can issue statutory laws. Often, a judge's decision will be based on a combination of statutory and common law. This Law means judges will incorporate written statutes and case precedents when ruling. Both judges and attorneys must be aware of recent changes in statutory law and Lawevant court decisions that will affect common law.

Most Laws of the time, contract, tort, and property laws exist within common law, not statutory law. Although there may be some written statutes in these areas, a judge's decision will usually be based on precedent. Statutory law will only provide a rigid, formal interpretation of the law. Laws do not always apply easily to all situations. This is why it is beneficial for judges to refer to prior cases rather than legislation. Often, a precedent will be identified and applied to the case at hand through analogy.


A 'bill' can be considered an underlying phase of an Act. A bill is a proposal to make a new law. For the most part, a bill is an archive summarising the approach behind the proposed law, and a law is the proposed law.

A law can be presented by the Government or proposed by a member of the parliament. The BParliament is in the lower house, the House of Parliament, and after discussions and debates, once it has been passed, it goes to the Upper house, Housepproval; once the upper House Approves the bill, it is sent to the President for his consent. Finally, a bill turns into law (Act) once parliament has Parliament and has obtained consent from the President.


An act is a subdivision of law made by a legislature, such as Parliament or the State Legislative Assembly.

Acts are a type of law that pertains to specific situations and circumstances. The government passes them on to inform people of the rules and regulations regarding particular situations.

An "act" is the complete text of some legislative writing, which lays out the entirety of what the legislature has voted on and approved. It includes all of the necessary statutory provisions to be adopted, changed, or repealed. Acts also often include language indicating the origin of the bill that was passed and any critical findings upon which the legislature based its proposal, discussion, and/or decision.

In legal terminology, an act refers to the statutes approved by the parliament. It was a bill that, when passed by both houses through a specific procedure, became an act. An act either creates a new law or amends an existing one. It focuses on a particular subject and contains various provisions.


The ordinances are laws that the President of India declares on the proposal of the Union Cabinet. They must be issued when ParliamParliament in session. They empower the government to take quick legislative action or make administrative moves. Ordinances stop working if ParliamParliamentot approves them within six months of reassembly or if the two Houses pass objecting resolutions. It is additionally necessary for a Parliament session to be held within one month.

