
Legal Blogs


The Long Arm of Justice: Historical and Contemporary Approaches to War Crimes Prosecution

War crimes are one of the most heinous acts in human history and are a clear violation of the standards of humanity even amid warfare. These gross and systematic human rights violations that include murder, torture, and the use of force against civilians cannot be ignored or go unpunished. This blog analyses the nature of war crimes and the role of their study in fostering a more just and humane global society.


"Pranshu Yadav's Tragic Tale: Combating Cyberbullying and LGBTQ+ Discrimination in India"

One optimistic social media influencer from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, 16-year-old Pranshu Yadav's heartbreaking experience has highlighted the adverse effects of homophobia and online harassment. His untimely death from suicide following ongoing pain he had experienced on social media serves as a stark reminder of the severe repercussions of discrimination and cyberbullying against the LGBTQIA+ community.In memory of Pranshu Yadav, this is a wake-up call to confront the harsh realities of cyberbullying and stands as a plea for a world where every individual's uniqueness is celebrated and respected.


COVID-19: Penal provisions for enforcing social distancing

On 11 March 2020 WHO declared the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak as a pandemic (an epidemic that has spread worldwide, affecting a large number of people). The Union Government has invoked the powers under the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 to enhance preparedness and containment of the virus and declared COVID-19 a 'notified disaster' under the Disaster Management Act 2005.