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COVID-19: Penal provisions for enforcing social distancing

COVID-19: Penal provisions for enforcing social distancing

On 11 March 2020 WHO declared the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak as a pandemic (an epidemic that has spread worldwide, affecting a large number of people). The Union Government has invoked the powers under the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 to enhance preparedness and containment of the virus and declared COVID-19 a 'notified disaster' under the Disaster Management Act 2005.

Distinction between ‘Wrongful restraint’ and ‘Wrongful confinement’

Distinction between ‘Wrongful restraint’ and ‘Wrongful confinement’

The term ‘Wrongful restraint’ denotes a willful obstruction of any individual in order to keep that individual from continuing toward any path in which that individual has a privilege to continue.

Theories of Punishment

Theories of Punishment

With the change in the social structure, society has witnessed various punishment theories and the radical changes that they have undergone from the traditional to the modern level and the crucial problems relating to them.

General Exception Under Indian Penal Code 1860

General Exception Under Indian Penal Code 1860

When a person proved with the commission of an offence, and ought to have been punished by law, if he is exempted from such legal punishment under special conditions stipulated in the law, it is known as General Exception. General exceptions have been explained under Sections 76 to 106 of IPC.