
Legal Blogs


Top Ten Legal Headlines of the Week-10 Jun 2024

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top Ten Legal Headlines of The Week-27 May 2024

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top Ten Legal Headlines of The Week-12 May 2024

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top Ten Legal Headlines of The Week-06 May 2024

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top Ten Legal Headlines of The Week-29 Apr 2024

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top Ten Legal Headlines of The Week-23 Apr 2024

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top Ten Legal Headlines of The Week-15 Apr 2024

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top Ten Legal Headlines of the Week-04 Mar 2024

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top Ten Legal Headlines of The Week-20 Feb 2024

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top Ten Legal Headlines of the Week-26 Dec 2023

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top ten Legal Headlines of The Week-13 Dec 2023

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top Ten Legal Headlines of the Week-04 Dec 2023

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top Ten Legal Headlines of the Week-27 Nov 2023

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top Ten Legal Headlines of the Week-14 Nov 2023

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Top Ten Legal Headlines of The Week-06 Nov 2023

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Formal and Informal Sources of Law

India has a diverse legal system vividly incorporates formal and informal law sources, including municipal and international aspects. The legal framework of any society is the foundational structure that underpins the functioning of the entire legal system. It represents a complex and intricate blend of rules, norms, and principles that collectively serve as the guiding force governing the behaviour of individuals within that society. These legal rules and principles are analogous to the structural supports of a building, providing the necessary stability and order for the functioning of the social and legal architecture. In essence, the legal framework serves as a blueprint, defining the boundaries, obligations, and rights individuals must abide by, thus ensuring order, justice, and social harmony. This notes describes about the formal and informal sources of law.


Legality Of Betting and Gambling Contracts In India

Gambling is betting or wagering money or anything at the expense of a possible future outcome to win. Gambling in India traces back to the time of The Mahabharata, almost 4000 years ago; it is described as a form of playing dice or “chausar” as it was called back then. It might be possible that gambling was introduced for people to increase their knowledge, basically to increase their capacity to take risks in their lives. Eventually, gambling became a game played by everyone from rich to poor, usually by royals in their leisure time. A famous instance of gambling, which everyone knows about, is when, in the Indian legend Mahabharata, the Pandavas wagered everything they had, including their wife, while playing dice. Since then, gambling and betting have evolved with time. People bet with money. Some people even win crores, set up a business, and live peacefully. More people have started betting illegally with money, leading to corruption and money laundering. This blog describes the various types of betting and gambling and the legal aspect of it.


Top Ten Legal Headlines of The Week-26 Sep 2023

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Legal Research Papers: Where to begin?

Writing a legal research paper requires a systematic and rigorous approach to exploring legal issues, analysing cases, and presenting coherent arguments. Whether you are a law student or a seasoned legal professional, understanding the process of crafting a well-structured and compelling research paper is essential. This blog outlines the key steps and considerations involved in writing a legal research paper.


Making the Most of Law School: A Guide to Success and Fulfilment

Law school is a transformative journey that offers a wealth of knowledge, challenges, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Whether you're just starting your legal education or you're already immersed in the experience, there are several strategies you can employ to make the most of your time in law school. In this blog, we will explore some valuable tips to help you succeed and find fulfilment during your law school years.


Top Ten Legal Headlines of the Week-21 Aug 2023

Wrap up of the top ten legal headlines of the week


Words Like Prostitute-Mistress Will Not Be Used In Courts: Supreme Court Released Terminology For Women

Gender stereotype words will no longer be used in Supreme Court decisions and arguments. Supreme Court launches Gender Stereotypes Combat Handbook to crack down on derogatory terms used for women.


Top Ten Legal Headlines of the Week-14 Aug 2023

Top ten legal news wrap up of the week


Public Interest Litigations and Lawyering for the Fame Sake: A Practical Approach

Public Interest litigations are meant for making access to justice easier for public at large and for providing justice to those who may not be able to afford costly legal procedures. This blogs discusses about public interest litigation for the fame sake and suggests measures to tackle the issue of frivolous PILs.


Top 10 Legal Headlines of The Week-05 Jul 2021

Top Ten Headlines of The Week



India had achieved independence after huge bloodshed only for the citizens of the country so that they could live happily, without any interference from outside, which is known as sovereignty. Just after three tears, on the 26th day of November 1950, India had drafted its first Constitution, with its founding fathers being Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Sir Benegal Narsing Rao, Surendra Nath Mukherjee and others. The Constitution of India has 22 parts and 395 Articles, and Part III of the Constitution is enshrined with the Fundamental Rights, ranging from Articles 12 to 35. Article 19(1) of the Constitution of India gives the freedom of speech and expression to all the citizens of India. The Supreme Court has ruled in the case of Devendrappa (1998) that reasonable restrictions may have to be imposed in the freedom of speech and expression in the interest of maintaining discipline in public services, even though it may not have been mentioned as a ground in Article 19(2).


Top 10 Legal Headlines of The Week-06 Jun 2021

News Wrap up of this week


Top 10 Legal Headlines of The Week-31 May 2021

News Wrap up of this week


Child Right Governance in India and other Laws Related to it

Perhaps the most well-known definition of ‘global governance’, James Rosenau designates it as ‘organisations of rubrics at all stages of hominoid action – from the domestic to the worldwide organisation.’ Today the perception of authority has wedged the attention of researchers in fields like political science, economics, business studies, and global relations to analyse an inclusive variety of marvels such as school life, worldwide policy-making, global organisations, public health, monetary dealings, street gangs or traffic rules. Children and youth are in many circumstances obtainable as ruled by others – parents, teachers, social services, religious establishments, or out of control. For youthful scholars, though, the opposite has been basic in the influence of the field of juvenile studies over the last decades. The intervention of children and young people certainly also impact the schemes of guidelines and governance that border them. They are thus as much theme to these systems as they can be energetic and shapers of them, in many cases organised with or in equivalent to the adults adjacent them. Contempt this heading of children as being both marks and shapers of governance, though, with some exceptions, the methodical study of the governance of children and youth have established little consideration within childhood studies as well as to the examination of how child rights are assumed to form in national and multinational politics, law and society.



News Wrap up of this week



A new concept of virtual hearing ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE has been introduced by Hon’ble Shri S.A.Bobde recently, named as “SUPACE”. This is a complete blend of human and machine intelligence. The curiosity to know and have knowledge about a new thing automatically comes to the human mind. This blog, deals with the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (SUPACE), it's working and uses in the Indian Judiciary.


Misuse of Gender Laws in India

This paper, titled ‘Misuse of Gender Laws in India’, attempts to put forth some major loopholes in our Judicial System with respect to gender-oriented laws. It tries to make a sincere effort to understand how and why these loopholes get exploited by a section of society. It aims to critically evaluate, study and examine the major difference between what was intended by some laws versus what actually became of them through their massive misuse. This is one of those areas which has just started to gain momentum among the masses, but the legal and societal recognition of which has not received enough attention. There is also a significant dearth of quality literature available in this respect.


Top 10 Legal Headlines of The Week. 07 Mar 2021

News Wrap up of this week


Top 10 Legal Headlines of The Week28 Feb 2021

News Wrap up of this week


Top 10 Legal Headlines of The Week21 Feb 2021

Top Ten Headline of The Week


legal news of the week17 Jan 2021

Legal headlines of the week


legal news of the week 10 Jan 2021

Top Ten Legal Headlines of the week 10 Jan 2021


Top Thirty Supreme Court Judgements of India in 2020-2021

Among the numerous supreme court judgements passed this year, we have made an effort to reflect upon the top thirty supreme court judgements of India in 2020-2021.


What is Legal Entity | Participant of Civil- Law Relationship | Legal Entity Meaning

What is Legal Entity? A person, or using legal terminology, an INDIVIDUAL, is not the only participant of legal relations. For detail lecture on legal entity meaning