
Law Notes

Amicus Curiae: The Indian perspective

Amicus Curiae: The Indian perspective

An amicus curia is a Latin word which means, ‘friend of the court. He/she is a person appointed by the court who is a specialist in any specific area along with the legal knowledge who can assist a court by offering information, expertise, or insight that has a bearing on the issues in the case in the form of a brief. He is not a party to a case and should not be appointed by a party to maintain the transparency and unbiased decision. The Court appoints him and the court itself provides his fees/consultation. The decision on whether to consider an amicus brief lies within the discretion of the court.
Sources of Hindu Law

Sources of Hindu Law

Hindu Law is a divine law. It is believed that God has preached the law to the common man through Vedas. Different sages and ascetics life have expounded and refined the unique ideas of life clarified in the Vedas.
Structure and functioning of Criminal Courts in India

Structure and functioning of Criminal Courts in India

Administration of criminal justice is carried out through Magistrate Courts and Sessions Courts. The Indian Panel Code, 1860 (IPC), together with other penal laws constitutes India's substantive criminal law.
Jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India

Jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India

According to Article 124 of the Indian constitution, there shall be a Supreme Court of India. The constitutional powers and jurisdictions of the Supreme Court have been defined from Article 124-147. The Supreme Court is meant to be the highest court of appeal which takes up appeals against the verdict of High Courts. Supreme Court at the apex of Indian Judiciary to uphold the constitution of India, to protect the rights and liberties of citizens and to uphold the values of rule of law. Hence it is known as the guardian of our Constitution.