
Legal Blogs

The procedure of Arbitration In Consumer Disputes

The procedure of Arbitration In Consumer Disputes

India is a socialist country, therefore, aims to arrive at a balance wherein all the parties have equal opportunities and no party exercises a dominant position over the other. Indian legislation, therefore, provides for the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 which has been repealed by the newly enforced Consumer Protection Act, 2019 on 20th July 2020.
COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact on Corporates and The Mitigating Measures Taken By Government

COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact on Corporates and The Mitigating Measures Taken By Government

COVID-19 is one of the worst crises faced by humankind, a glimpse of the devastating impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the economy was seen by the estimates released by the National Statistical Office. The nation’s GDP growth for the FY was 4.2%, which was the lowest in the last 11 years, while the fourth quarter of the FY witnessed it slump to 3.1%.[1] However, this only takes into account the first week of the lockdown, which started on March 25; thus, the situation is estimated to worsen.
Legal Recognition of Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation

Legal Recognition of Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation

Progressive social changes in society represent the development of any nation. These changes are measured through various mediums like legislative frameworks, judicial attitude, attitudinal changes in the implementing machinery and mindsets of people. Indian Constitution, in its inception, included the fundamental rights under Part III. These fundamental rights form the basic structure and lifeline for the people. For any violation of the fundamental rights, there are remedial measures under Article 32, i.e. the Right to Constitutional Remedies by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. In Dr B.R. Ambedkar’s view, Article 32 is the very heart and soul of the Constitution.
Registration of Film Titles Under the Indian Trademark Law Updated: Jul 31

Registration of Film Titles Under the Indian Trademark Law Updated: Jul 31

The title is recognised as the primary distinguishable feature of a movie, and the revenue that accrues from a movie can be principally be identified with its title. For the same reasons, the protection of the title is vital for any person receiving benefits out of the creation. Contrary to common understanding, the trademark law in India is the legislation which protects the title of a movie. This article aims at providing an insight into the registration of films under the Trademark Act, and landmark cases associated with it.